OrionOS v2.6.1 - MT6582 For Micromax Unite 2 [AOSP][OMS/SUBSTRATUM]
/* * Your warranty is now void. * We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if * you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you. */
OrionOS is a project based on slim. The name Orion was chosen as a representation of the beauty and vastness of the world around us (Too much Philosophy, eh? :P ). We started this project for Falcon (Moto G), to make a stable Rom, which would include Bitsyko layers and important customization. The Rom is built with Uber toolchain which delivers awesome smoothness and includes a custom kernel built from ground-up to ensure good performance [WIP]. Needless to say, this project is a product of our hobbies and the love we bore for Android.
- Clock settings
- Battery styles
- Battery bar
- Network traffic
- Double tap on statusbar to sleep
- Carrier Label - Custom Headers
- Normal, Modern, PolyHD, Orion
- Weather in status bar
- Quick Pulldown
- Task manager
- Four tile QS toggle
- Force Expanded Notifications
- Immersive message toggle
- Notification count
- Breathing missed call
- Breathing voice mail
- Statusbar Icon toggle Recents:
- Slim Recents
- Clear all recent FAB with six positions
- RAM/memory bar in recents
- Full screen recents
- Show search bar in recents
- Show running apps only
Buttons: - Home, Menu, Recents button rebinding
- Volume key cursor control
- Volume key playback control
- Notification slider [supported devices]
- Volume rocker wake
- Keyboard cursor control
- Swap hardware buttons
Power Menu: - Power Off, Reboot, Screenshot, Airplane Mode, User Switcher, Sound Panel, Bug Report
Lockscreen Tweaks: - Lockscreen wallpaper
- Toggle Lockscreen date, columns ,time
- Toggle Lockscreen media art
- Lockscreen Weather Navigation:
- Navigation bar buttons
- Navigation bar dimensions
- Navbar ime arrows
Gestures: - Ambient Display
- Pocket mode
- Hand Wave
Security: - Advanced Reboot
- CM Lockscreen
- Double tap to sleep on lockscreen
- Quick unlock
- Pin scramble
- Screen pinning
- Disable QS on secured lockscreen
Display: - Advanced Ambient Display
- Dcolumns, switches, dividers, tile view
- LCD density
Sound and Notification: - Volume Steps
- Notification Lights
- Heads up toggle
- Unlink notification and ringtone volume
- Vibrate for calls
- Screenshot sound toggle
- Prevent audio ducking
- Battery Lights
- Disable camera sounds OMS
Misc: - New Icon and logo
- New bootanimation
- Dark theme switch (many improvements on various preinstalled apps)
- Pre-rooted
- Substratum
- Uber 4.9
- Messenger instead of MMS (with NightMode)
- Update gallery (design tweaks)
- OTA (in device info)
- SuperSu in settings -
CM Browser
- Viper4Android
- IME selector notification
- USB debug notify toggle
- SystemUI tuner by default
- Google Keyboard by default
- Orion changelog
Fixed :-
> Camera fc after few clicks fixed
> Inverted video recording issues fixed
> New FM app added and working
> Gps completely fine
> Substratum Working
> Offine Charging Animation fixed
> Totally stable like cm13
> Inverted video recording issues fixed
> New FM app added and working
> Gps completely fine
> Substratum Working
> Offine Charging Animation fixed
> Totally stable like cm13
Bugs :-
> VPN , Switch
Substram does not work
Mediafire : ORION OS R67
pCloud : ORION OS R67
Dev-Host : ORION OS R67
Gapps : gapps (Arm>6.0>pico)
Gapps (Google Drive) : Gapps
Xposed : Xposed for OrionOS
Copy the ROM and Gapps in SD card.
Go to your recovery - Wipe Data, Cache and Dalvik Cache.
Install ROM , SuperSu and Gapps any patch you want.
Reboot - 1st boot takes around 3-4 minutes.
Tirth Patel (Built from Source and Fixed All bugs)
fire855 (for MTK codes)
TipsyOS, martinusbe (big thanks)
Layers team
TipsyOS, martinusbe (big thanks)
Layers team
OrionOS v2.6.1 - MT6582 For Micromax Unite 2 [AOSP][OMS/SUBSTRATUM]
Reviewed by Unknown
what about video freezing issue in this rom!! it is a common bug in every rom i have flashed plz help me with a solution.....
ReplyDeleteDoes the rom has invert lockscreen bug ....?